
11/24/14: I went to the BANFF mountain film festival! I watched awesome adventure short films like "After Glow," "Arctic Swell" & a Danny Macakill film. 
Its sponsored by a handful of names but mostly National Geographic and The North Face; both in which have a strong, similar brand identity. A booming voice welcomed guests & introduced them to the festival, beautiful landscapes of the natural world were being played. The call to action happened and it hit me. I want to have a voice over in my film. I have a few choice words for the last months of Big Blue. 

11/18/14: I've lost a little steam behind this project because of house and roommate issues. I haven't been spending time at Big Blue, so I haven't been getting candids like I should be or my intension of interviews. It has been a long month with terrible scenarios flooding Big Blue back to back. Its all out of my control, so this film is taking life of its own. I have begun to think of the difference of home verses being at home. 

I think this idea originated from this photo i saw on Facebook of my friend who is studying abroad in Argentina. Since i was little i've been called a hippie & more recently a hipster. I disagree. I think I express who i am not based on what others expect from me, but what i am feeling in moment and this intern makes me happy.

Alyssa shot me this link after her and I chatted about all the conversations and ideas that have raced through my brain. Its a documentary by Macrus Haney called "No Cameras Allowed." With a little luck, Marcus spent a few years sneaking into the biggest known music festivals- filming, photographing, and making friends along the way. This film is so much more than the love of music and people, but a film about running down what you want and learning everything along the way. This film speaks so much to how I feel and how I think one should take ownership of what they want.  Some of the best advice I’ve her received is that sometimes its better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. It's amazing what you can get away with by using mischievous quick thinking and a smile. Anyways, this film reminds me of when I snuck into homegrown after being denied to help film for PBS because I am underage. I too forged a wrist band, walked past security with confidence, and danced the night away capturing great moments of the night. Technically  this film is scattered. When i edit things i think that the music should match up with what the band that is playing on screen- this is not the case in Haney's documentary; but i think it works! Partly, i think this works because of the different qualities of footage that is incorporated. It switches between reel footage, digital filming of bands, photographs, and interviews. Its so well pieced together telling a story that the music incorporated presents it as an experience. 

I'm not positive what story i'll tell or how i'll tell it until i get out there and shoot. This is going to really stretch my comfort zones and push me to always have a camera. I have ideas to set up a confessional room in my house and ask guest to give advice or tell stories of embarrassing moments, ect. I'm going to watch advanced tutorials on lynda that will help me manipulate footage. Maybe some trippy, kaleidoscope techniques and memory induced fog, transitions. Mostly it will be an experiment, much like my original plan of the badlands, but more of a story about being happy and having fun in this moment of time. 

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